Tracks & Topics
We solicit papers in the following five tracks:
Track 1: Foundations of modeling & method engineering
Chairs: Anne Gutschmidt, Istvan David
Definition and representation: conceptual modeling, metamodeling, method knowledge infrastructure, and method ontologies
Agility in modeling and method engineering
Situational method engineering
Adaptation, extension, and configuration of methods and tools
Maturity and quality of models and methods
Evolution and interoperability of models
Modeling and method engineering for emerging computing technologies and approaches
Ethical foundations of modeling
Teaching and learning of modeling & method engineering
Track 2: Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling
Chairs: Jānis Grabis, Simon Hacks
Enterprise modeling approaches, architectures, and platforms
Business models and ecosystems
Modeling data-driven organizations
Business process modeling, architectures, and evolution
Reference modeling
Capability-driven development
Track 3: Information Systems (IS) & requirements modeling
Chairs: Roman Lukyanenko, Marcela Ruiz
Model-Driven development & Low/No-Code tools
Modeling in agile development
Crowd-based and collaborative modeling
Social media, user-generated content modeling
Traceability between software artifacts
Experience in practice and education
Challenges of requirements for and modeling emerging applications
Track 4: Domain-specific & knowledge modeling
Chairs: Robert Clarisó, Tiago Prince Sales
Metamodel and model engineering
Design of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) and supporting tools
Multi-level and multi-perspective modeling
Knowledge graphs
Ontology and domain-specific analogy
Applications of/with ontology and Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM)
Track 5: Evaluation of models & modeling approaches
Chairs: Qin Ma, Monique Snoeck
Empirical / Experimental evaluation techniques
Formal evaluation
Evaluation through practice
Evaluation through model simulation
New methods for model or modeling evaluation
Ontological-based evaluation and comparison
Evaluation of MDD-based methods and tools
Applications in education