EMMSAD'24 Program
Monday, June 3, 2024
Joint Keynote BPMDS / EMMSAD
Resource Optimization in Business Processes
Remco Dijkman (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
Coffee break
Session 1: Evaluation of Modeling Methods
Chaired by Iris Reinhartz-Berger
Enhancing our Understanding of Business Process Model Comprehension using Biometric Data
John Krogstie and Kshitij Sharma
A Method for Digital Business Ecosystem Design: Evaluation of Two Cases in the Maritime Dataspaces
Chen Hsi Tsai, Ben Hellmanzik, Jelena Zdravkovic, Janis Stirna and Kurt Sandkuhl
Technology for Automatic Usability Evaluation using Model Driven Engineering
Susel Matos Claro, Leydis Lamoth Borrero, Jenny Ruiz de La Peña and Monique Snoeck
Lunch break
Session 2: Model-driven Engineering & AI 1
Chaired by John Krogstie
Towards Taming Large Language Models with Prompt Templates for Legal-GRL Modeling
Sybren de Kinderen and Karolin Winter
Process Modeling with Large Language Models
Humam Kourani, Alessandro Berti, Daniel Schuster and Wil van der Aalst
Could a Large Language Model Contribute Significantly to Requirements Analysis?
Steven Alter
Building BESSER: an open-source low-code platform
Iván Alfonso, Aaron Cornardy, Armen Sulejmani, Atefeh Nirumand, Fitash Ul Haq, Marcos Gomez-Vazquez, Jean-Sebastien Sottet and Jordi Cabot
Coffee break
Session 3: Monday: Model-driven Engineering & AI 2
Chaired by Henderik Proper
Fast & Sound: Accelerating Synthesis-Rules-Based Process Discovery
Tsung-Hao Huang, Enzo Schneider, Marco Pegoraro and Wil van der Aalst
Navigating the Data Model Divide in Smart Manufacturing: An Empirical Investigation for Enhanced AI Integration
István Koren, Matthias Jarke, Judith Michael, Malte Heithoff, Leah Tacke Genannt Unterberg, Max Stachon, Bernhard Rumpe and Wil van der Aalst
A Multi-dimensional Model for the Design and Development of Analytical Information Systems
Maribel Yasmina Santos and Ana León
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Session 4: Modeling and Sustainability
Chaired by Jelena Zdravkovic
Situational environmental, social and governance accounting: from ethical value elicitation to sustainability reporting
Vijanti Ramautar, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Oscar Pastor and Sergio España
Realizing the Accountability of Algorithms in the Public Sector: a Reference Method for Algorithm Registers
Nena Schuitemaker, Martijn van Vliet, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Sergio España and Inge van de Weerd
Requirements for a Digital Twin for Energy, Social, and Governance Data of Commercial Buildings
Joseph Chungath and Simon Hacks
Coffee break
Session 5: Enterprise Modeling
Chaired by Simon Hacks
Understanding Capability Progression: A Model for Defining Maturity Levels for Capability-based Maturity Models
Ginger Korsten, Baris Ozkan, Banu Aysolmaz, Daan Mul and Oktay Türetken
Using Enterprise Modeling to Analyze and Design a “Fit” between Activities in an Enterprise
Ilia Bider and Erik Perjons
Technology-Aware Enterprise Modeling: Challenging the Model-Driven Architecture Paradigm
Irina Rychkova, Eddy Kiomba Kambilo, Nicolas Herbaut, Oscar Pastor, Rene Noel and Carine Souveyet
Lunch break
Session 6: Closing
Chaired by Arnon Sturm and Dominik Bork
Short research presentations
EMMSAD Future Development Discussion
EMMSAD 2024 closing and awards
Coffee break
IFIP 8.1 & EMEA working group meeting